Tuesday, February 14, 2012

be mine ♥

Valentines Day is alive and well here in our house. No fancy dinners out for us though, no ma'm. Because nothing says love like chicken fajitas and chips n' salsa. That and a gymnastics class later tonight. Does anyone else find it hard to pick things out for their men? My guy loves books so I decided on a gushy Shakespeare's love sonnets book. I went through and underlined and highlighted all my favorites and made little notes next to some of them to make the gift more meaningful. To appeal to his fun side I also got him a Parks and Recreation comedy book- it's one of our favorite shows to watch. I topped the books  with a homemade valentine and bundled it all together and threw in some of his favorite chocolates on the side.
Lucy received a little heart shaped notebook for coloring and drawing in, a new Olivia board book, a teeny box of chocolates and one of those fun walking dog balloons from the grocery store. She's still pretty easy to please, that's why I love this age. She and I had the perfect morning of having a Valentine Tea Party in bed while we watched Monster's Inc.. These are my favorite moments that I'll always remember. 

I hope you had a fun and beautiful Valentines Day too! ♥  

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I just found your blog and I absolutely love all your post! I am new to the blog world but I am definitely a new follower :) looking forward to reading your post!!
