Tuesday, November 19, 2013

kickin' it old school with rainbow macaroni

The other day after breakfast while I still had the kids attention I decided to break out the rainbow colored macaroni. I used a pretty simple recipe of rubbing alcohol and food coloring to toss the dried macaroni with in Ziploc baggies. I let them soak for about an hour in their baggies before lining a couple cookie sheets with paper towels and then dumping them on there to dry overnight. 

Lucy was thrilled to say the least since she's all about rainbows right now. She went to town sorting  and gluing them down. Gray had fun watching his big sister work. I eventually gave him a couple of cups and he happily poured his assortment back and forth. All in all it was a big hit and I'm already planning on doing it again with different types of noodles to shake things up. 

It's always the simplest things isn't it? ; )


  1. I sure do miss those cozy jammie, little people days. What a fun project. Em would have been all about the sorting!

  2. We will be doing this over the weekend, how fun!
