Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lets Catch Up

I know, I've been MIA and I promise to be better. In the mean time let's catch up. I'm now 23 weeks pregnant with my little lady. I've been super busy nesting and all the other typical things pregos do i.e. crying about ugly maternity clothing options, pondering my potential mothering skills, and browsing designer diaper bags.

My husband surprised me with a yummy raspberry cake with butter cream icing for my birthday last weekend. It was delish!
I had a ton of fun picking out wall colors, bedding, and all the other little things that go in to a nursery. These photos are from several weeks ago so it looks a little different now- accessories changed around and added but nothing major so you get the idea. It's nice to know the basics are out of the way since the holidays are on the horizon and she's due in early February.

In my effort to make the house a little safer we decided to have a runner put on the stairs. This was a difficult decision because I loved my bare pine staircase but it was just so slick. If you attempted to walk down it with socks on you had to hold on to the railing for dear life. Now that it's done I'm really happy we did it. I never realized how hard it was on my feet before, plus the dogs have much better traction while getting up and down.

I've done other little things here and there to prepare around the house like replacing the large wooden coffee table with a smaller upholstered hounds tooth bench. Not only is it soft and baby friendly it has storage inside to help hide the clutter. So there you have it. The past few months in a nutshell. Like I said I promise to do better with my posts from now on. I hope you have all been well and life finds you in good places.



  1. Yay! A post from you! The nursery is lovely. You are so smart to get it done now. I too love nakie stairs but they aren't very practical, are they?

  2. You look absolutely lovely and glowing! I love the color scheme in your nursery :)
