Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Introducing Lucy Elizabeth!

I had an ultrasound last Friday and we found out our baby is a sweet little girl! Here are a couple shots they gave us to take home. We're over the moon excited, and I'll post some nursery pics once I get a couple more things in place in the next couple of days. I plan to return to normal regular blogging after Labor Day. Thanks for sticking out that awful first trimester with me everyone!




  1. Awwwww... congrats on the little girl! How exciting!

  2. wow! how lovely! and that is a lovely name! :)
    hope you are feeling well and looking after yourself. take care, caroline x

  3. awww....congrats on your sweet baby girl! I'm so glad everyone is healthy and happy! xo

  4. Congratulations!! I've been out of the blogging world for a bit, just getting back into it. That's so wonderful about your little girl.

    I'm actually going on 14 weeks in my own pregnancy. It's pretty exciting. :)

  5. Just by looking at the ultrasound you can tell she is a BEAUTY !!!
    MAZAL - TOV !!!

  6. Congratulations. My baby girl will be 21 soon.
    She has been and is my pure joy. Girls are wonderful!

  7. hope all is well
    if you have time stop by the Paris House we are doing a $50 giveaway in our new boutique

  8. Hey Sarah! I was trying to email you but couldn't find your email addy. Yes Zville is where we are headed. We saw where you work today. We're considering the ghost walk depending on weather and budget. I think it's awesome that you work there. We were reading the Zville newspaper this evening and looking at all the great classes too. I hope you are feeling well. Miss your blog posts! And P.S. I don't think you are at all stalkerish! Jen
